Original oil painting with bold acrylic undertones. With strong reminders of the beauty of one's unique self. A bold statement piece bringing calm to more than just the aesthetics of the space but the mindset of the viewer.
✓ Gloss finish on stretched canvas and ready to display.✓ Hand signed letter of authenticity- with all originals.
✓ Freebies as gratitude from me with a limited print in harmony with your original.
✓ Guaranteed energy on opening!
✓ A focus on packing and safe delivery to your door so you can enjoy museum-grade orginals at a fraction of the cost.
Reborn’ Original Oil Painting 50cm (W) x 86cm (H) x 2cm (D)
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50cm (W) x 86cm (H) x 2cm (D)
Oils with arylic undertones. Gloss varnish finish